Time is running out to take advantage of the 100% charitable income tax deduction for gifts of cash to certain public charities.  This 100% AGI deduction ends at the end of 2021.  The chart below details the annual AGI limit for charitable income tax deductions.  When planning gifts, it is important to understand that certain limits can be stacked.  For example, in 2021 a gift of appreciated assets up to 30% of AGI can be combined with a gift to a public charity of cash up to 70% of AGI to receive a charitable income tax deduction of 100% of AGI. 

If charitable gifts in a given year exceed the available AGI limits, the unused charitable income tax deduction can be carried forward and used in future years.

AGI Limits on Charitable DeductionsPublic Operating CharityDonor Advised FundCharitable Remainder TrustPrivate Foundation
Cash100% in 2021, normally 60%60%60%30%
Appreciated Assets*30%30%30%20%
*This chart assumes the assets have been held by the donor for more than one year.  Different rules apply when the appreciated asset has been held for less than one year.